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Monkeypox is a viral infection that can spread among the humans, and was recently declared a global public health emergency by the WHO.

As july 26,2022 , monkeypox has spread to more than 70 countries and four cases have been reported in kerela and Delhi in India.

First case in India :- 14 july kerela

Second case :- 18 july kerela

Third case :- 22 july , kerela

Fourth case :- 24 july , kerela.

One of those cases of a man in Delhi showed no history of foreign travel, pointing to local transmission.

Death causes by the disease have been low as compared to covid 19, but monkeypox can still significant harm to the body.


The first Symptoms can include a fever, headache, sharpmuscle pain, fatigue,a rash as swollen and painful lymph node.

Around one - three days after the appearance of a fever a rash can turn into painful , fluid - filled skin lessios.


The disease usually heals by itself after two --three weeks , sometimes taking a month.

In many cases the only treatment needed is to address the symptoms ,such as clearing up a fever or soothing the itching.

sometimes the  lessions became extremely painful, however requiring serious painkillers or even hospital treatment.
People with the monkeypox are advised not to sratch the lessions as this could spread the virus or leave the scar, and to cover them to avoid the temptations.

Vaccination against smallpox was demonstrated through several observational studies to be about 85% effective in preventing monkeypox.thus prior smallpox vaccination may result in milder illnes.a/q to WHO.

Thankyou 😊