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laboratory instruments and their uses.

  Laboratory instruments and there uses 

1) Micropipettes


A Micropipettes is common yet  an   essential laboratory instruments used to accurately transfer volume of liquid  in the microlitre range.
2) Microscope

A microscope is an instrument  that is used to  magnify small objects.

3)  Test tube


Test tube used for  mixing or heating the chemicals in a laboratory.
4) Test tube rack 

Used to hold test tube.
5) Test tube holder


A test tube holder is used to hold test tubes. It is used for holding a test tube in place when the tube is hot or should not be touched.
6) Autoclave


An Autoclave is pressure chamber  used to sterilize  equipment  and supplies by subjecting them at high  pressure  saturated steam  at 120°c for 10-15 min.
Used to sterilize culture media, and discard other  equipments.

7)  Hot Airoven


This device is used in sterilization .

Oven uses dry heat to sterilize.

It is used to dry glassware, and sterilize general instruments  and packing items in life sciences and  microbiology laboratory.
8)  Incubator


Incubator is a device used to  grow  and maintain  microbiological cultures.

The incubator maintains optimal temperature  , humidity,and other conditions such as carbon dioxide ,and oxygen  and contents of  the atmosphere  inside.
9) spectrophotometer

It is a device used to  measure light  absorption  or amount of chemical in the solution.

10) pH meter 


It is electric device used to measure  hydrogen- ion  activity  in solution.

11) Laboratory refrigerator 


It is used for wide variety  of purpose  such as:-

Laboratory refrigerators have been designed to store samples, specimens, vaccines and medicines at a very specific temperature range

They are used to cool samples or specimens for preservation.

12)  Centrifuge Machine


Is an apparatus that rotates  at high speed  &  seperate substances of different densities.

13)  Balance


Used to measure  an object's mass to  a very high degree precision.
14)  Hot plate


Used to heat & stir substances.
15)  Water Bath


Is a device which maintains water at constant  temperature.

It is used in the microbiological  Laboratory for incubations.
16)  Biological safety cabinet


Is an enclosed ,ventilated laboratory workspace  for safely working with materials contaminated  with pathogens.
17) Hematology  Analyzer / Cell counter


hematology analyzers can rapidly analyze whole blood specimens for the complete blood count (CBC). Results include red blood cell (RBC) count, white blood cell (WBC) count, platelet count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, RBC indices, and a leukocyte differential.
18) Biochemistry Analyzer


A biochemistry analyzer, also known as a clinical chemistry analyzer, is used to measure metabolites present in biological samples such as blood or urine.

19) Hemocytometer


It is counting chamber device originally Designed or used for counting blood cells.

20) Calorimeter


It is a device which measures  absorbance of specific colour.
21) Weighing scale 

It is an instrument which is used to  determine the weight and mass of  the object.

22) Urine Analyzer


It is a device which is used to perform automatic urine testing.

23) Bunsen burner


Is a common piece of laboratory equipment  that produces a single a open gas flame, which is used for heating and sterilization.
24) Inoculating  loops

Inoculating loops are used to transfer the microorganisms  to growth media or for  staining slide.
25) Glass slide


Used to  place specimens  on to observe  under the microscope.


26) Coverslip


Use to cover  specimens on  a microscope slide.
27) Petridishes


Often  used to make agar plates for microbiology  studies.

28) Laboratory   Beaker


Used to stir ,heat and measure liquid volume in ml.
29) Laboratory flask


Used  for making solutions or holding, containing,  collecting,or measuring chemical  ,samples chemicals etc.

30) Funnel


Aids in pouring liquids into small opening  spilling them.

31) EDTA Tubes


EDTA Tubes  is typical anticoagulant  used in blood collection  tubes.
32) plain tube ( red top colour)


They are used for collecting & storing blood specimens  for biochemistry, immunology, serology test.
33) Fluoride tube


Fluoride vials is used  for  blood collection for glucose measurement.
34) Syringes


A medical devices that is used to  inject fluid into  or withdraw fluid  from the body.
35) Tourniquet


A Tourniquet is a device  that is used to  apply pressure  to a limb or  order to stop the flow of blood.
36) Alcohol swab


Used to clean an injection site before the  injection.
37) Urine container


Used for collecting  a urine  sample.

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