It is defined as localised area death of tissue followed by degradation of tissue by hydroelectric enzyme liberated from death cell.
Features of Necrosis
- Cell swelling:- membrane disappear brusting.
- Autolysis:- cytoplasming mitochswollen,membrane rupture, calcification, myelin fig.
- Nuclear damage:- pyknosis.
Two basis process underlie the morphologic change of Necrosis.
Denaturation of protein (breakdown protein in smaller pieces)
Enzymatic digestion of cell components.
Necrosis is type:-(based on morphology)
- Coagulative Necrosis
- Liquefactive Necrosis
- Caseous Necrosis
- Fat Necrosis
- Fibrinoid Necrosis
Coagulative Necrosi
underlying tissues architecture is preserved.
Example:-infacts in all solid organ except the brain .
Liquefactive Necrosis
Seen in focal bacterial and occasionally fungal infections.
Material is frequently creamy yellow and is called pus.
Caseous Necrosis
Caseous means cheese like referring to the trable yellow, White apperance.
Fat Necrosis
Chalky white areas( fat sponification)
Example:- Breast
Flbrinoid Necrosis
Immune reaction in wall of blood vessels.
Bright pink,amorphous apperance.