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Proteins are the prime molecules.

It is the fundamental structural component of the body.

The term protein is derived from the Greek word , "proteios" which means primary or a holding first place.

Protein are nitrogenous micro molecules composed a many amino acid.

Protein is a long unbranched chain consisting of a sequence of L-alpha amino acid.

L-alpha amino acids are linked together by peptide linkage.

Protein is present in every part of the cell of human body.

Functions of proteins

1) Protein forms  structural framework of the cell.

2) protein performs important functions as enzymes , hormones,  and blood clotting factor.

3) Protein also function during the muscular contraction.

4) it also function as immunoglobulin to    provide natural defense against  pathogens.

5) it also function as regulator of gene expression.

6) they act as ion  channels and pumps in the cell membranes.

Constituents of protein:-

1) Major constituents of protein are carbon , hydrogen , Oxygen and nitrogen.

2) Minor constituent are Sulphur and phosphorus.

3) nitrogen content of protein is 16% by weight.

4) protein contains 50 - 2000 amino  acid  residues.